Submit > Submission guidelines

We welcome contributions from the humanities and social sciences, in particular language and cultural studies, sociolinguistics, anthropology and/or education.

Conference themes:

  • The concept of “interculturality” as an object / approach to teaching
  • Field studies and projects: presentation and analysis of field studies which question the main goals of intercultural education and the modalities of its implementation
  • Interculturality and interdisciplinarity: multidisciplinary studies on “Intercultural education” which underline the epistemological and terminological complexity of the concept


Papers will be presented within a 20-minute slot with an additional 5 minutes for discussion. Submissions in French or English (3000 characters including spaces) should include:

-          First / last name and title of the author(s)

-          Institutional affiliation(s)

-          Title of the proposal

-          3 to 5 keywords

-          Indication of which theme(s) the submission addresses

-          5 max essential bibliographic references


You can find the submission form by clicking on "Submit your proposal"

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